International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Pramod Kumar Madeshia [2] Dr. M. K. Tyagi
Pages: 1-5
Most important of this case study is to see the effect of pre-determined strategies of “movie-watching, association of neighboring high self-efficacy child on raising the level of self-efficacy and reducing the stress level in a “Low-efficacy child. The main objective is to do the efforts to improve the condition of a child whose academic performance is low as per the records of previous class performances. This case study is an effort to suggest some “ Pre-assumed strategies†which can be useful to remove the obstacles in attaining right level of self-efficacy plays an important role in getting the self-confidence required to think about the abilities and having confidence to perform and complete any task. In this case study, a case whose self-confidence is low resulting into the low performance. This study is very helpful in spreading the positive awareness among the parents and teachers about the movie watching which is thought to have negative effect in our society. This study is also an evidence to think about the effect of loud reading by children as this study is indicating the power of loud reading by children. Traditionally, it was used by parents and teachers but in modern times students are getting this reading session neither at school nor at home. This study also indicates the potential power of association of low achiever with high achiever. It is assumed in this study that low self-efficacy of a child can be raised if that child is associated with a high level of self-efficacy.
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