International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. Vijaya Kumari S.N
Pages: 1-4
Teachers are the catalytic agents of change and focus in any society should be to provide Teacher Education of the highest quality. Quality Teacher Education leads into Quality school Education. ‘Soft Skills’are ‘Personal Skills’comprising of personal attributes and inter personal abilities that drive one’s potential for sustained growth, enhances an individual’s social interactions, job performances and career prospects. High lighting the need of providing Soft Skills training for teachers the paper presents the findings of the study conducted on Secondary School Teachers. The study reveals that Soft Skills and Accountability are associated to each other and suggests to have Quality School Education Soft Skills training should become an integral part of all Pre-services and In-service Teacher Education Programme to strengthen and sustain Soft Skills of the teachers directly and Accountability indirectly
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