International Journal of Education and Psychological Research

(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)

Print - ISSN: 2349 - 0853
e - ISSN: 2279 - 0179


(December 2018)

Challenges and Scope of Improvement of Quality in Higher Education in India

Authors: Prasanta Kumar Majhi

Pages: 49-51


The new social realities, particularly the interplay between democratization of education; unprecedented developments in information and communication technologies; emergence of knowledge society and globalization greatly influences the educational process of all societies. In this context, quality of education assumes an added importance and becomes the primary concern of all the stakeholders in education. The modern society focuses on creating, sustaining and improving the quality of life. Therefor good higher education is that which optimally contributes to the betterment of quality of life. The time is changing very fast. Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization have shifted the focus of education on quality. The communiqué of the world conference on Higher Education 2009 States that “Quality criteria must reflect the overall objectives of higher education, notably the aim of cultivating in students critical and independent thought and the capacity of learning throughout life. They should encourage innovation and diversity. “The old order changeth yielding place to new” Change is the law of nature. Nature always offers scope for improvement, betterment and enlargement challenges are the integral parts of growth and progress. Yet we have to search for the scope of improvement. In every walk of life there’s an immense scope and possibility to improve the quality in Higher Education.